What is mean of Tafseer

What is mean of Tafseer?
Tafseer mean explanation of Quran.The best way of explain Qurani verses.Afterwards,Hadith is used for strengthening such a explanation or Tafseer.To find,collect and present the related Quranic verses and Hadith are one of the greatest of job that was achived by Imam Ibn Kaseer.Imam Ibn Kaseer was real Hafiz Imaduddin Abulfida.He was born on 701 Hijri year in Basra city.And he was died in 774 Hijri year.His name is on top of the list of muslims scholars.He explain Qurani verses(Ayaat)was very good.He is great scholar of muslims history.Tafseer simple mean is explanation of Qurani verses.


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